The SOL Foundation ™

The SOL Foundation ™

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


 Mango trees are also part of our school gardens in Kenya. 

Mangifera indica, commonly known as the mango tree, originates from India. This large tropical evergreen tree is known to grow up to 100 feet. The leaves are elliptic to lanceolate and spirally arranged on the branches. New leaves are a copper color and turn a shiny green once they mature. Mangifera indica produces small white flowers that grow in flower clusters. The flowers are either male or hermaphrodite and both types can be found in a single cluster. The produce ranges in size, shape, and color depending on the variety. Average mango fruit tends to be between 3-5 inches long and egg or kidney-shaped. Their colors include green, yellow, red, and orange with many varieties bearing multicolored produce.

A mango tree requires full sun. The absolute minimum requirement is 6 hours of direct sunlight. However, 8-10 hours of direct sun is optimal. Mangos are accustomed to tropical climates so they thrive in the heat but do not like temperatures below 40°F. 


Here are some of the benefits of planting a Mango Tree :

1. Medicinal use - Different parts of the tree and fruits are used to treat hair loss, stomach pain, skin disorders, and wounds. The leaves also have anti-inflammatory properties and some animal studies have shown that they may also protect your brain from conditions like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's . Mango leaf may also help manage diabetes. 

2. Climate change -Researchers are studying how mango trees can help mitigate climate change. Mango trees have an incredible ability to sequester carbon. Planting fruit trees will also help reverse the effects of massive deforestation and help protect the soil.

3.  Economic benefits - Mango production requires only a few trees on a farm or in a backyard. The economic opportunity is widespread as opposed to concentrating production in the hands of one large farmer. From an economic standpoint, it makes sense that small producers will be in control if the mango price and the actual production increase. Encouraging mango production among small farmers will reduce poverty, strengthen communities and increase family incomes Reducing poverty will strengthen communities.

4. Mango fruit - Mangoes are not only tasty but packed with lots of nutrients. One of its most impressive nutrient facts is that just 1 cup (165 grams) of fresh mango provides nearly 67% of the DV for vitamin C. This water-soluble vitamin aids your immune system, helps your body absorb iron, and promotes cell growth and repair. Mango is also a good source of the minerals copper and folate, which are especially important nutrients during pregnancy, as they support healthy fetal growth and development. 

5. Furniture - The mango tree is hardwood. It is strong and durable in which there are many furniture can be built using the wood. 

6. Gives Shade - The canopy of mango tree is big which is great to gives shade. Younger tree has smaller canopy and the older one has bigger size one. The leaves of the tree gives shade. When the weather is too hot, people can go under the tree to stays cool. They will feel refresh when the wind breeze.


Thank you to our Social Media family for sharing some of the benefits of Mango Trees:


@Eric98122385 -

" Shields erosion -Coolant supportive -Oxygen machinery -Fruits producer "


@mentor_quresha -

"Support healthy skin, Help combat diabetes, Treat stomach ulcers." 

@zainab_akadir -

"Has anti inflammatory properties. High in vitamin C" 

@_nussy.nus_ -

"Boosts immunity, Lowers cholesterol, Regulates blood pressure"

@aisha_bagha -

"Mango fruit...the best" 

@its_winnie_cheche -


@_real_rizwana -

"Tastes good and healthy (esp summer)"

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