The SOL Foundation ™

The SOL Foundation ™

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


 “What you can do in response to the ocean of suffering may seem insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

Here are some of the simple ways in which we can all contribute towards the protection of animals: 

1. Discard the use of plastics

Plastic is poison for our animals and marine life. They do not understand and consume plastic along with the food. If we stop using plastic, we will not just save the environment, but also, animals.

2. Feeding local animals

Giving food to cats, dogs, birds and other such animals in your vicinity is also one to protect animals and take care of them. Due to COVID, many such strays died in hunger. During the summer most animals die of thirst and heat waves, lets make a point to put out water for these animals. 

3. Wildlife habitat conservation

Governments around the world have set up national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. In these places, the animals have a completely natural habitat to live in but they are also protected from the threats in a normal jungle. Threats like hunting and poaching are rampant today and we cannot let animals fall prey to that. We have to respect these boundaries. When we go to visit these places, we should not leave garbage there. We should try to make as less of an impact as we can in these areas.

4. Create awareness

One of the best ways you can protect endangered animals is to know about them. Find out which are such animals in your area or country. So, if you spot one somewhere, you can help alert the authorities and protect them.

Another way to protect endangered animals is to create awareness about them. You can create local community groups that work for this cause. Having seminars is another way of creating awareness. Also, inculcating lessons in student’s academics on how to protect animals will go a long way.

5. Donating to Non-profits supporting this cause

Non-profits working to protect animals are short on funds often. They are trying to do a noble thing by working on how to protect animals. Therefore, donating resources to them can be very helpful. Resources can be of various types. You can donate money or even help them set up their infrastructure services.

6. Keeping water sources such as rivers clean

Animals depend on natural sources of water to quench their thirst. Nowadays, we have polluted our rivers so much that animals are getting sick drinking from there. Many even die because of it. Therefore, having river cleaning drives will help in solving this problem.

7. Plant more trees

Let us save trees and plant more of them. We also need to focus on planting native species. Native plants help maintain the ecosystem just the way it should be. When the ecosystem is functioning properly, endangered animals are also taken care of.

8. Stop using products that endanger animals 

Including herbicides, plastics, strong chemicals, products made from animal skin or fur or any other part of an animal's body such as horns, tusks. 

9. Avoid using herbicides

Although herbicides and pesticides keep your plants and yard looking nice, they can be dangerous to native plants and animals. They can get washed away, entering streams where animals drink or getting in the soil where endangered plants grow. 

Instead, use natural herbicides or begin composting with natural materials.

10. Keep your neighborhood safe for wildlife

To protect endangered species in your neighborhood, specifically animals, do your part by making your home and neighborhood wildlife-friendly. Often, animals are attracted to homes because of open garbage cans or pet food left outside. Make sure your garbage cans are secure and feed pets inside. 

You can also clean bird baths to prevent the spreading of disease, and you can add stickers or decals to windows so birds don’t fly into them. Tell your neighbors about these simple steps they can take as well. 

11. Be cautious while driving

This is a rule you should follow all the time, but if you’re in a wooded area, slow down. Animals live in developed regions as well, so be on the lookout when you’re driving for wildlife near the roads.

Roads present a hazard to wildlife, and so many animals are killed due to vehicle collisions. You never know when an endangered species could be crossing the road.

Here are other suggestions from our social media family: 

( Facebook ) 

AQ Omotola Rashidah -

There’s a need to create lots of awareness and educate people on the need to protect endangered species. Replicate these messages in local languages for proper understanding.

Depending on the type of specie, if there are alternatives to them, there should be sensitization as regards that as well.

Sometimes, using the people who are likely to threaten the existence of these endangered species should be made their gate keepers and protectors.

And lastly, there’s a need for compliance and enforcement on the policies, laws and punishments to those who do not abide by the rules."

Cecilie Mjelde -

" 1. Stop contributing to deforestation and drought.

2. Extend that compassion to all living creatures. "

( Instagram) 

@koech_jerotich -

" Protect their home." 

@rewireyourmindsetstrategy -

" Education, education and education. But not only book education but rather awareness education, hands on education and education to connect back to nature. Cause without nature and animal species, human species are doomed." 

@aisha_bagha -

" Avoid deforestation and protect their habitat "

@zainab_akadir -

" Recycle... Reduce, Reuse "

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