The SOL Foundation ™

The SOL Foundation ™

Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 1. Sustainable Food Systems. 

Making sure that the food cycle from agriculture to consumption are sustainable. Food security and nutrition for everyone are provided through sustainable food systems, which do not jeopardize the economic, social, or environmental foundations that will provide food security and nutrition for future generations. This will include transforming into climate-friendly agricultural techniques, such as diversifying output, taking climate change into consideration. 

2. Double Small-Scale Producer Incomes and Productivity to End Rural Poverty.

Ending rural poverty would need a concerted effort to boost small-scale farmers' revenue. Small-scale farmers are also crucial to feeding a growing global population in a sustainable manner. This would entail enhancing people's well-being through sustainable livelihoods, such as raising smallholder income and production as well as providing adequate rural jobs.

3. Adapt all Food Systems to Prevent Food Loss or Waste.

Adapting all food systems to a more sustainable method entails minimizing food losses during production, storage, and transportation, as well as food waste by retailers and consumers; enabling consumer choice; and pledges from producers, retailers, and consumers around the globe. 

4. All People Have Access to Adequate Food and Healthy Diets Throughout the Year.

Increasing people's resistance to shocks and pressures through addressing poverty and injustice. Food access, which is the foundation of a healthy and varied diet, is inextricably tied to both rights – notably equity and women's rights – and resilience.

5. Abolition of all Types of Malnutrition.

Poverty and inequality are both causes and consequences of malnutrition.

Undernutrition can produce hidden hunger, wasting, and stunting, all of which have lasting consequences for both people and society. Childhood obesity is on the rise in many parts of the world. To combat stunting, ensuring widespread access to healthy meals between the beginning of pregnancy and a child's second birthday is critical.

A multi-sectoral strategy should be used to assist this, including nutrition-sensitive health care, water, sanitation, education, agriculture, social protection, and particular nutrition interventions, as well as programs to empower women.

Thank you to all who answered our blog question on social media. Here are the answered we received: 

@aisha_bagha - 

"Ensure food access for everyone, improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture." 

@mentor_quresha -

"Enough food, good nutrition and healthy balanced diet." 

@_real_rizwana -

"Sustainable agriculture" 

@_sustainable_solutions -

" Ease accessible to food& water." 

@_nussy.nus_ - 

" 1. End hunger 2. Achieve food security & improved nutrition 3. Promote sustainable agriculture " 

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